Woman Nature

pioneering, benchmark and innovative experience in nature and well-being tourism with a gender focus in Chilean Patagonia.

Woman Nature Experience

We create sustainable, inclusive and diverse travel experiences, in contact with nature, for women in Chilean Patagonia, Aysén Region.

Our trips weave the history, wildlife, culture and local cuisine of a territory still little explored, around exciting activities that combine sensations because they encourage exploring, reconnecting, learning, feeding the soul and pushing limits.

All our actions and activities are respectful, sustainable and sustainable for the communities and the territory, with a strong commitment to caring for nature and traditions.

¡Nuestros programas!

  • Earth Woman

    Element that connects with your roots, your internal security, with your rhythms and vibrations. You are earth, you are nourishing, strong, vibrant, patient, wise, you are medicine, you love, you give, you nourish, you feed and you shelter. Our Earth Woman helps us connect with our internal rhythms, our personal seasons, to be more creative and joyful, to trust in our life. It teaches us to keep our feet in the here and now through walks and journeys in nature.

  • Air Woman

    Element that allows life, it is your vital energy, it refers to the world of ideas, change and detachment. You are air, you are life, free, independent, spiritual, imaginative, conscious and reflective. Our Air Woman helps us connect with the well-being of meditation, yoga and conscious eating, taking care of that vital energy.

  • Woman Water

    Element that connects with your emotions, with your intuition, with your soul, your fluidity, your fullness, your relationships and your adaptability.
    You are water, you are movement, you connect with the hearts of people and all sentient beings, you listen, you support, you love. Our Water Woman helps us connect with our emotions, to know how to let them go and to continue nourishing ourselves with learning through activities such as kayaking, rafting, hot springs, whether in the river, sea or lakes.

  • Fire Woman

    Element that connects with your creative force, manifestation, purification and transformation. You are fire, independent, leader, visionary, empowered, passionate and creative Our Fire Woman helps us connect with other women through learning about their jobs and their lives, to connect with your passions, to mobilize, to take action, to tear down obstacles and be authentic.


Our trips, your trip!

Each trip is cared for and prepared with details (food with mostly organic and local products, accommodation chosen with a high standard of comfort and inserted in nature, activities selected to be inclusive and with a deep connection with the environment and with the group , etc); Come enjoy, laugh, relax, challenge yourself, meet, interact and learn together with other women, who ultimately become your friends and companions, your tribe in Chilean Patagonia.

The destination is the beginning of an enriching experience, a once-in-a-lifetime experience, lived at your own pace, with different topics of conversation, creating connections with the local culture, interacting with Patagonian women, learning trades, challenging ourselves physically and mentally, discovering and exploring the different ecosystems of the territory in a sustainable and sustainable way.

Our tailor-made trips are personalized experiences for you and your friends, family or work team, on your timeline, with your requirements, they are specially organized and maximized for you. In any of our destinations, however you want! It's your way.